Running from inner demons
you're too afraid to face



Wants to experience the world.
Has pretty bad social anxiety.


Curious and new to things.
A bit intimidated by the city life.


Totally isn't hiding anything.
Aspiring tattoo artist.


Manages an online café.
Extroverted to the maximum.

Nova's Umbrella


Universe in a Nutshell

I'm a WIP

It begins

Nova has been accepted as in a program trains citizens to maintain the universe in balance. Being first step closer to her goal and feeling useful for once, she is relieved, but is still hesitating because of one problem...

Bump on the road

Quite frequently, she switches into a shadow-filled realm that only she can feel and experience, though she refuses to look at any of it face to face. Not understanding why they even exist and dealing with their obnoxious nature is making her goals difficult to reach.

The motivation

Through some ups and downs, she manages to makes a small group of friends that make her feel, think, wonder, making it easier for her to stop switching into the shadow filled realm. As the universe is in dire need for extra help, she keeps going.


Eventually, she learns that the scary shadows within it are a reflection of the things she fears and tries to hide from, taking monstrous forms, swiping her into their dimension. As she finally understands their existence, she is able to turn around and face them, setting herself free and reaching her goals.

In the world of Chromesthesia, everyone is a spiritual being that appear to take either human or other form.
These are the main characters that live in the city of Chromes.


She/they | Star traineeNova does her best to become a useful part of society by undergoing training to become part of the stars. She is caring and considerate, even at her own expense.Nova often hesitates and refuses to make sense of her own struggles, but decides to fix that to move on. Others find her difficult to approach when she flips into the alternate dimension, as she appears deadpan and not very responsive.

"—I'll do anything I can... even if it means I will miss all of my sleep. Yeah, you know what? I don't want any of it. "


He/him | ResearcherCeres is into technology. He aims developing communication throughout the Systems. He likes to keep a low profile and prefers to blend in despite his outgoing nature.Ceres is a master of hiding his problems and putting up a happy face, often appearing aloof when nobody is looking. Tags along with Nova to research areas he's never been before. He becomes a crucial part in helping Nova face the shadows she struggles with.

"My name? How 'bout you take a guess! I'll get you lunch if you're right. If you're wrong, who knows... maybe I'll steal the idea."

Nova's umbrella

It | ?Just a "regular" umbrella. Well, it talks sometimes and gives unsolicited advice. Nobody bothered to give it a name.Umbrella is Nova's "advisor", her more sensible half. It helps Nova calm down when she is feeling anxious or worried.Doesn't speak outside of Nova's apartment, and can only offer some shelter when it rains.Goals
Role in the story


She/her | StudentShapeshifter that takes a form of s collie dog for most of the time. She has strong sense of justice and always tries to do what she feels is right.Helps Nova and Ceres overcome their fears of failure. Nebula is quite stubborn and prefers to do things her own pace, when she wants to, but offers valuable insight.

"Alright, alright, I'll help you. But no more than 10 minutes."

The world

Concept art for the aesthetic of the world.
